SOS/Animals/Action Screenings Berlin and Linz

SOS/Animals/Action Screenings
Videothek Volksbühne Berlin
bb15 Linz

At the intersection of film, performance and visual arts, the hungry eyes festival is a periodic event taking place at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen since 2016. Last time, in November 2023, the curatorial team looked back to explore their conceptual roots – experimental short films – and sift through a plethora of international submissions during the last couple of years.

This year, the programme goes on tour with seven short film favourites. Alongside presenting the films, the curatorial team is going to introduce the idea of festival and is looking forward to getting to talk to the audience while having a drink after the screening.


“Why the Birds?” by Tomás de Souza
“Swimming Lesson” by Vardit Goldner
“He Had Got Certain Vibes” by Greta Alfaro
“How I Choose to Spend the Remainder of my Birthing Years” by Sarah Lasley
“10 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Were Arab” by Sarah Trad
“SOS/Animals/Action” by Big Art Group
“Reality Fragment 160921“ by Qigemu*

CITYRAMA in Torino, Italy and Bern, Switzerland November 2010

CITYRAMA is a new performance created by Caden Manson / Big Art Group in collaboration with the students of HKB and the Teatro Stabile of Torino. CITYRAMA comprises a site-based theatrical and video installation that functions as a performance machine, asking the actor/participant to respond on stage to a flood of stimuli and make split-second responses in the context of a fragmented live movie. Multi-threaded stories, overlapping emotions, and conceptual actions that call attention to the physical occupation of the space combine into a portrait of the living city, of the city as a chimera created of voids and images, human stories and architectural constraints. In the interplay between occupation and transformation, CITYRAMA revels in the struggles of the ordinary hero to create her own world.

Castello di Rivoli / Prospettiva/ Teatro Stabile Torino (Italy)
Torino, IT
November 14, 2010 T 8:30pm

Bern University of the Arts (BAUS)
Bern, Switzerland
November 18, 29, 20, 2010


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Thank You

Thank you so much for your donation. We will send you email soon with you official tax deductible letter and any follow up we have with you concerning the benefits that go along with your giving level. Thank you again and see you at the shows in january!





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Caden Manson / Big Art Group accepts volunteer interns/PAs on an ongoing basis throughout the year. While many internship programs focus on a single discipline of professional theatre training (design, technical, publicity, etc.), our program guides interns/PAs  through the total professional performance company experience. All interns/PAs are encouraged to express specific interests.

The internship/PA  program with Big Art Group offers opportunities for interns/PAs  to become familiar with the administration and creative process of the organization. Big Art interns/PAs  make suggestions in staff meetings, become actively involved with rehearsals and productions, and become part of the extended organization of the company. The intern/PA  team is made up of a mix of local, national, and international performance makers, theoreticians, students, and professionals; and creates an exciting laboratory for experimentation and exploration.

To apply for an internship, please fill out the form below.

Our intern coordinator will respond to you via email or phone.